Archive for 'low level laser'

Patient Story – Meet Joe

I met Joe, a 43 year old male, who suffered from bilateral (both) shoulder pain for 2 years. He had tried trigger point injections, botox injections, radiofrequency ablations (burning of the nerves), and even surgery, all without relief.

I started Joe’s treatments with photobiomodulation (also known as low level laser therapy) with resultant 50% relief in pain. Then, I treated specific muscles I identified as a source of pain – Serratus Anterior, Subscapularis, Latissimus Dorsi, and Levator Scapula – with muscle-tendon injections followed by three days of physical therapy.


I followed Joe for six months following the end of the treatment. Joe’s pain went from an 8/10 to a 1/10, and he reported no interference in his activities of daily living. He was even able to resume running, and stopped all pain medications without any return of his pain.


Low Level Laser Therapy as promising treatment

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a promising new treatment for a variety of painful conditions which is believed to reduce inflammation and stimulate healing of wounds.  Interest in the laser first developed when Endre Mester at Semmelweis University noticed that applying the laser to the backs of shaven mice caused hair to regrow faster than those who did not receive laser treatment.[1]  This observation prompted further study into the regenerative effects of the laser first in rats, and then later in humans.

Currently, there aren’t many large-scale studies evaluating the effectiveness of the laser, but smaller studies of the laser for painful conditions show promising results.

A study of 50 patients with knee osteoarthritis reported that the laser was significantly more effective at providing pain relief than transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS)**.[2]  Similarly, a separate study of 125 patients with knee osteoarthritis reported both an improvement in pain and an increase in function after LLLT.[3]

In a study of patients with temporomandibular disorders, the laser improved pain within 24 hours, with relief lasting at the 180 day follow-up.[4]

Current studies show that the laser is an up and coming, non-invasive, non-painful treatment option, but larger studies are needed to determine the correct dosing, and for which conditions the laser will be most useful.




**TENS (transcutaneous electrical stimulation) – electrodes are applied to the skin, sending an electric current to the nerves in the skin. The nerves then transmit a signal to the brain. This signal is competing with the signal coming from your painful area. So, instead of feeling your normal pain, you’ll feel a buzzing sensation where the electrodes are attached.

[1] Chung, Hoon, Tianhong Dai, Sulbha K. Sharma, Ying-Ying Huang, James D. Carroll, and Michael R. Hamblin. “The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy.” Annals of Biomedical Engineering 40.2 (2012): 516-33. Print.

[2] Kędzierski, Tomasz, Katarzyna Stańczak, Kamila Gworys, Jowita Gasztych, Marcin Sibiński, and Jolanta Kujawa. “Comparative Evaluation of the Direct Analgesic Efficacy of Selected Physiotherapeutic Methods in Subjects with Knee Joint Degenerative Disease – Preliminary Report.” Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja 14.6 (2012): 1-10. Print.

[3] Gworys, Kamila, Jowita Gasztych, Anna Puzder, Przemysław Gworys, and Jolanta Kujawa. “Influence of Various Laser Therapy Methods on Knee Joint Pain and Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis.” Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja 14.3 (2012): 269-77. Print.

[4] Pereira, T. S., O. D. Flecha, R. C. Guimaraes, A. M. Botelho, JC Ramos Gloria, and K. T. Aguiar Tavano. “Efficacy of Red and Infrared Lasers in Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders–a Double-blind, Randomized, Parallel Clinical Trial.” Cranio : The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice 32.1 (2014): n. pag. Ovid. Web.


Case Study: Low Level Laser Therapy

Gregory is a 29 year old manager whose job requires that he travel often.  He came to see me for pain at the back of the left side of his neck which he often felt upon waking up, and during or after jogging over the past 4-5 years.  An MRI showed that his neck did not have any significant spinal abnormalities that might be causing his pain, but a physical examination revealed three muscles that were likely the source of his pain.

I began treating Gregory with a 15 watt class 4 laser.  On his second day of treatment, he reported that he felt no pain in the left side of his neck when he woke up, but that the pain had moved to the right side of the neck and shoulder.  I continued treating the left side of his neck, and also began to treat the right side with the laser.

When he returned for the third day of treatment, the pain in the left side of his neck was completely gone, and the right side’s discomfort was significantly reduced.  At a two month follow-up, his pain was gone.

He is now able to go jogging without any pain in his shoulders or neck.  By starting with a conservative treatment approach, Gregory was able to avoid invasive or costly procedures, and regain function.

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