I am often asked what insurance policy they should look to purchase when coming to our office. Because our office doesn’t participate with any insurance policies, patients are often looking for the best coverage and where they will receive the highest reimbursement.
My answer used to be well, do you work for New York State? The NYSHIP plan used to have the best “bang for your buck”. Their out of ne
twork deductible was $500 and they covered 80% of our fees. However, over the years, the deductible has gone up to $1250 and I don’t even know if they cover the same amount anymore. I also have no idea what the premiums are, but I’m still quite confident that the policy remains to be one on the higher end.
Other than that, every policy varies so greatly that I can’t even begin to try to answer this question. Because everyone has a different situation and various needs, there is no simple answer. If we are the ONLY doctor you see, then the answer will be less complicated. However, that is never the case, so here’s the simple answer.
Think about the various doctors you see – are most of them in-network or out-of-network? What is the premium difference if you were to have zero out-of-network benefits versus good out-of-network coverage? What are the allowable amounts for out-of-network coverage (are they based on usual and customary or on Medicare fees)? How much do you expect to spend in our office?
So let me give you an example. Let’s say you pay a premium of $500 per month and you have no out-of-network benefits. To add out-of-network benefits, the premium would double to $1000/month. In my opinion, you would have to get back at least $500 x 12 = $6000 back from your insurance company in a year so it’s worth changing the policy. If you only spend $1500 in our office per year, then it’s definitely not worth changing the policy. With this same policy, if your out-of-network deductible is $5000, and you are spending $6000 at the office, then it’s definitely not worth it because you would potentially only get $1000 back (in truth it will be less, but trying to keep things simple in this example). Does that make sense?
To make things even more complicated, I added a new term above – allowable amounts. This means the amount of money an insurance company is going to “allow” in reimbursement pending any deductible and coinsurance.
So let’s say you go to the doctor, you pay $250 for the visit. You submit a claim to the insurance company, asking for reimbursement on this visit. If it’s the first time you’ve submitted an out-of-network claim for the year, good chance this claim will go towards your deductible. So you won’t receive any reimbursement on this claim. However, the insurance company only allows $200 for the visit. So $200 goes towards your deductible, even though you paid $250 out of pocket for the visit.
Let’s go into another example. Let’s say you have a deductible of $500 and coinsurance of 20%. You had a procedure done with an out-of-network doctor and they charged you $1000. Again, you submit the claim. The insurance allows $750 for the procedure. Of the $750 allowable, $500 goes towards your deductible…….$250 remains. Then 20% of the $250 ($50) goes towards your coinsurance, and you will be reimbursed $200 for the visit.
Now, all of my examples show a reasonably high reimbursement amount. Generally higher reimbursement or higher allowable amounts are correlated to “reasonable and customary”. This came from (supposedly) an algorithm of doctors in the area using the same codes and their average charge. Now, because the algorithm was questioned, the new trend of figuring out the allowable rate is based on Medicare fees. So an office visit, again, let’s say we charge $250. Medicare might allow something like $101.06 for the visit (at least that’s the going rate for us in NYC). Your plan states that 150% of Medicare rates are the allowable fee. So your plan would allow $151.59 for the visit. I have seen anything from 100% to 300% of Medicare rates as allowable, but this is the reason why it’s important to find out on what the allowable fees are based.